Just Give Me My Money
Negotiating Your Salary as a Grad
It feels like only yesterday Curtis Stone was on our screens proclaiming a $10 note was all we’d need to feed our families. Oh, how times have changed.
But you don’t have a family, do you?
You’re just a fresh-faced grad. Why should you have to care about the price of beef mince?
You shouldn’t.
But, when the price of that vodka raspberry you so shamefully drink every Saturday night climbs closer and closer to $20, then that $55,000/year grad salary doesn’t quite cut it, does it?
So what do you do?
Do you cut back on the voddy raspberries?
Don’t be ridiculous.
What about budgeting and saving your money intelligently?
Good one.
Or, do you say fuck it and ask for a pay rise?
Easy tiger, it’s a little more complicated than that.
So here’s everything you need to know about negotiating your salary as a grad.
Do You Risk Losing Your Offer by Negotiating
So you’re in the running for a graduate position and aren’t satisfied with your $55,000 starting salary.
There are probably a few anxieties running through your head.
Am I even in the right to do this in the first place?
Yes, provided you go about it in the right way.
Will the company just revoke my offer if I ask for more?
After all, there are potentially hundreds of other candidates who are more than qualified to take your position.
The answer is almost certainly no - unless you go about it like an absolute dickhead.
Your hiring manager deals with salary negotiations for almost every role, so while some back and forth is foreign to you, it’s a completely normal part of the hiring process for them.
They are used to this, and while they probably have narrow salary bands to stick to, they should at least entertain the conversation. And if they don’t, then think of it as a bullet dodged.
Why You Shouldn’t Negotiate (Yet)
The likelihood that as a grad, you have the professional chops to distinguish yourself from the pool of equally qualified candidates to warrant a negotiation in the first place is incredibly low.
The harsh reality is that if you don’t accept the offer, someone else will.
This isn’t the only issue either. Consider the consequences of asking for more money and getting it.
Let’s say your employer has hired five fresh grads. Four of them accepted a $55,000 offer, but you boldly pushed for $70,000, and to your surprise, the hiring manager agreed.
You’re now making close to 25% more than your fellow grads for the same job. Unless you’re prepared to deliver 25% percent more value, you could be setting yourself up for extra scrutiny, stress, and potentially, a spot on the chopping block should your firm start making redundancies, which absolutely does happen.
In the long run, reputation could do more for your earnings than a quick jump ahead off the bat.
A year from now when your boss is deciding who to promote, which candidate looks more appealing?
Candidate A, who took her initial offer and quietly established herself as a top performer in the role, or Candidate B, who has struggled to justify their higher salary?
Why You Should Negotiate (And How to Do it Right)
If there is one reason above all to try your hand with a salary negotiation, it’s experience.
It may not feel like it now, but salary negotiations will be a massive part of your professional career, so the more experience, the better.
So how do you do it?
Pick the right time
It’s worth reiterating that you’ll probably see more success negotiating after you’ve proven yourself on the job.
However, if you’re set on it, then don’t mention money until AFTER you have an offer on the table.
Because chances are if nine candidates don’t mention salary during a first interview and a tenth does, that tenth candidate probably won’t get a call-back.
Plus, holding off gives you more time to build rapport with your negotiating partner which will pay off when the time does come.
Don’t be a wanker
You aren’t the wolf of PWC and you don’t have any real leverage. Respect and decency are what you have to work with, so use it.
Here’s a couple of ways to initiate the conversation:
“I’m really excited at the prospect of coming on board and think I can add a ton of value. But just out of curiosity, is there any room for movement on the salary?”
“Just out of curiosity, how much room do you have for movement on salary?”
Chat face-to-face
This kind of conversation should ONLY be had face to face, no exceptions.
Pitch big and slide
Ok, you’re in the negotiation and the hroing manager is open to negotiating up from $50,000.
Your instinct will be to quote a range, let’s say $65,000-$75,000.
Because it feels less aggressive and more agreeable than just saying $75,000 flat out.
Resist this instinct.
You think you’re gently introducing $75,000, all your hiring manager will hear is $65,000. They’ll probably counter with $55,000 and best-case scenario, you’ll meet in the middle at $60,000.
Instead, pitch big and slide. If you want $75,000, ask for it — just be willing to compromise.
Justify your request
There are a few ways to do this.
The best is to have several offers on the table. if you don’t have that luxury, then it’s important to have data to support your request.
Look up the average salary for fresh grads in your position. If your offer is below average, that gives you a reason to ask for more.
Well, that’s about it, cya.